I'm Bren, a reliable, efficient and motivated web programmer and premium WordPress plugin developer based in Hong Kong who specializes in minimalistic, responsive and high performance websites. I love experimenting with new web technologies, currently has an obsession with VR, and between work and life, trying to keep the dust off my guitar.
Whether you are looking to build a website from scratch, re-designing an existing website, or migrating content management systems, I can help get your web application up and running smoothly. In addition to using popular Content Management Systems like WordPress that are applicable to a wide range of industries and needs, I also develop in Zend Framework for projects that require custom or unique components. My development environment of choice is PHP, MySQL and Apache. All websites are structured to ensure the best SEO practices and provide the correct files and settings for Google or other search engines to crawl effectively.
I'm well versed in coding semantic and compliant HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. I build websites that are responsive and mobile first for the optimal user experience, using frameworks such as Foundation or Twitter Bootstrap. While I like to think that my designs are current and cutting edge, I try not to give in to the cumbersome drop in performance that often comes with all the bells and whistles, preferring to look for solutions that can provide the same experience while maintaining speed and site optimization.
All websites I create are optimized for search engines to ensure that standard SEO practices are applied on every page and in the fundamental structure of the website. Your website will be properly indexed by search engines which will help it rank higher in search results right out of the box. I also provide other services such as Google Analytics integration, setting up local search accounts, creating valid sitemaps and submitting your website to major search engines.
Want to sell physical goods, digital products or even online services? I can get your website up and running using WooCommerce or Jigoshop with your preferred payment gateways, such as Paypal or I also have experiences with websites that require booking systems or advanced reviewing algorithms. I offer additional services such as designing responsive email templates, managing newsletter subscriptions, and providing consultation on online marketing campaigns.

Have a unique project that needs to be coded?
Many applications can be built with CMS, but nothing beats the flexibility and scalability of MVC Framework developed sites.